Pink October

October is #Inktober, but it’s also #PinkOctober.
So I am not going to return to the controversy of screening with random effectiveness... But this is an opportunity to return to the situation of victims of #BreastCancer in France.
When the outcome is not fatal (13% of cases), breast cancer remains an ordeal, if only to find a human doctor.
You have to be able to understand the fear of heavy treatment, the fear of losing your breast (see both), your hair... It is your identity as a woman that is called into question.
But hey, let's look on the bright side, it allows us to avoid #Facebook #Censorship and share great works of history.
- to see:
#Liberty #LibertyGuidingThePeople #DeLaCroix The Pink Fairies Pink October in Charente-Maritime Pink October Céline Peltier #Humor #Lol #Draw #Drawing