Mysterty -   Dreadpan Drawings, illustrations and other satirical reflections…

DnD Confined: Animal Crossing

News drawing by Myster Ty: The Animal Crossing police dog fines the player's avatar: "In solidarity with the COVID19 pandemic in humans, Animal Crossing is confined. Your fine."
published : Apr 16, 2020, 12:00:00 AM last update : Jan 19, 2024, 4:17:55 PM

What if #Confinement was a HUGE PLOT orchestrated by Nintendo to force us to play #AnimalCrossing?

=> drawing made during the 10th session of Drink and Draw La Rochelle
@nintendo @nintendofr #11may #Déconfinement #AffaireDEtat #Coronavirus #Macron #MacronDemission #Covid19 #Pandemic #News #Press #Draw #Humour #Lol #art #artoninstagram #pentelbrushpen #watercolor #Gimp

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