Mysterty -   Dreadpan Drawings, illustrations and other satirical reflections…

M for Masked

News drawing by Myster Ty: Deconfinement, masks compulsory? V's character announces: "Here is a directive that we will vigorously follow."
published : Apr 5, 2020, 12:00:00 AM last update : Jan 16, 2024, 4:56:49 PM

Finally, #Masks will be compulsory during deconfinement.

"Hello and welcome.

Here before you is a humble confession of my desire to see every vestige of vexation disappear upon our liberation so that as a community we can defeat the vile and corrupt investigators of these vicissitudes.

Through this #FanArt, may the Vox Populi vanquish the vacillating vermin: a wish, a verdict.”

➡️ source:
#Anonymous #Shortage #PlusJamais ça #PlusJamaisLREM #V #Vendetta #Le JourDaprès #Déconfinement #Confinement #AffaireDEtat #Coronavirus #Macron #MacronDemission #AgnèsBuzyn #Buzyn #Covid19 #Pandemic #News #Press #Draw #Humor #Lol

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