Mysterty -   Dreadpan Drawings, illustrations and other satirical reflections…

Mermay 2019 - #16 Amulet

Indian ink drawing by Myster Ty: A black woman wears a necklace on her naked torso. On this necklace appears a crucified mermaid, with the scars of mastectomy and caesarean operations and wearing a crown of plastic straws.
published : May 24, 2019, 12:00:00 AM last update : Aug 28, 2023, 2:25:09 PM

What if we opened our eyes to the suffering of women and their treatment? Do you really think we are in an egalitarian system?

Violence, gynecological and obstetric abuse, lower wages, pink tax… The list is so long.

#Feminism #Cancer #CancerDuBreast #Patriarchy #Abuse #Feminicide #PayeTonUtérus #TaxeRose #PinkTax #Draw #Drawing

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